Literacy advocacy providing free reading tutoring for children and adults Read more...
Family Connection is a program that creates a safe space and supervision during parent-child visits for families who are working towards reunification in the foster care system. We use the safe spaces inside of churches, non-profits, and house-like buildings run by these organizations to meet the gap of safe, comfortable, and private visits spaces, and trains community volunteers to provide Read more...
For almost 30 years, Community Partnership has been a trusted leader, catalyst for change, and a valued resource in Springfield and the surrounding region. We are the “go-to” organization when an emerging issue needs to be addressed; we bring people together to create solutions. Our four primary focus areas as follows: Affordable Housing & Homeless Prevention Community & Neighborhood Development Read more...
DCO is a non-profit that has been serving the community for over 70 years. We provide services and support for individuals and families of individuals with disabilities. Our childcare building offers early intervention pediatric therapies while on campus, we have an inclusive childcare for all in the community (age range: Birth – 6 years). DCO also provides adult care and Read more...
The Springfield Dream Center exists as a hub of practical help and life-giving hope to families in the Springfield-Greene County area. Our goals are to meet families where they are, build relationships and walk along side them as they take steps towards stability. Read more...
At Isabel’s House it is our mission to provide immediate refuge for children whose families are in crisis. By partnering with families and the community, we prevent child abuse and neglect and strengthen families. Read more...
United Community Change is a social justice organization dedicated to empowering underserved & marginalized communities; Particularly African Americans and of African diaspora decent; to connect with their land, homes, communities, culture, and worldwide history through programs and education that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our focus is on building strong and resilient communities centered on justice and equality. Read more...
VerifiedThe Victim Center was formed in 1976 as the Rape Crisis Center, and at the time, it only provided crisis intervention services to adult victims of sexual assault. Over the years, our services have expanded beyond the initial scope to include individual counseling for victims of sexual assault and their families as well as services to include sexually abused children Read more...
Since 1995, the Child Advocacy Center has been helping abused children begin their journey toward safety, healing, and justice. Our mission is to support child abuse investigations, provide access to critical services, and raise community awareness to prevent and reduce child abuse and neglect in Southern Missouri. We envision a community where justice is accessible, prevention is possible, families are Read more...