SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (KY3) – Temperatures in Springfield plunged into the single digits over the past two nights and tonight won’t be much better.
Warming shelters have been a good place for people to escape from the cold during this arctic blast.
Community Partnership of the Ozarks runs 13 Crisis Cold Weather Shelters in Springfield, including one at Unity of Springfield on East Seminole Street.
Shelter managers say they’ve seen a record number of people using the shelters this year and have had to add overflow shelters.
“In past years we’ve been very fortunate and we never had to turn anyone away from a shelter on cold nights. This year that hasn’t been the case,” said Adam Bodendieck, CPO’s Senior Director of Homeless Services.
“We have seen the demand increase, we’ve seen the need increase to a point where unfortunately it’s not uncommon to not to be able to completely meet the need and that’s difficult.”
There is an urgent need for volunteers right now because some shelters don’t have enough volunteers.
The shelters are open when temperatures dip below 32 degrees.
Click here for shelter locations or if you would like to become a volunteer.
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 Volunteer Ozarks: Crisis Cold Weather Shelters
Full story and video: Springfield’s crisis cold weather shelters see record demand, need more volunteers