For almost 30 years, Community Partnership has been a trusted leader, catalyst for change, and a valued resource in Springfield and the surrounding region. We are the “go-to” organization when an emerging issue needs to be addressed; we bring people together to create solutions. Our four primary focus areas as follows: Affordable Housing & Homeless Prevention Community & Neighborhood Development Read more...
A place where people who are struggling in any area of life come together in community and have access the resources they need. At Life Change SWMO we believe as Paul said in his letter to the Corinthians: “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together” We accomplish this by offering a variety Read more...
DCO is a non-profit that has been serving the community for over 70 years. We provide services and support for individuals and families of individuals with disabilities. Our childcare building offers early intervention pediatric therapies while on campus, we have an inclusive childcare for all in the community (age range: Birth – 6 years). DCO also provides adult care and Read more...
United Community Change is a social justice organization dedicated to empowering underserved & marginalized communities; Particularly African Americans and of African diaspora decent; to connect with their land, homes, communities, culture, and worldwide history through programs and education that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our focus is on building strong and resilient communities centered on justice and equality. Read more...
Victory Mission teaches people leaving homelessness, incarceration, and poverty to be independent and gives them the tools to rebuild their lives. We believe lifelong victory is available for all. Join us as a volunteer within one of our outreach, workforce development, or long-term restoration programs and help people find lasting change in their lives! Read more...
VerifiedElevate Branson is a faith-based, non-profit organization dedicated to serving our community by providing a variety of outreach and support services to those who are struggling. Collaboration with other organizations, assures the most important and urgent needs are met, without duplication of services. Reaching out with nutritional meals, access to health care, job skills training and fellowship opportunities, restores the Read more...
VerifiedOur Story Missouri Parents Act (MPACT) is a non-profit that serves children with disabilities, their families, and communities throughout the state. MPACT has served as Missouri’s federally-funded Parent Training and Information Center since 1988. MPACT also works in collaboration with, and receives funding from, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Our primary goal is to assist parents Read more...
VerifiedLife360 Community Services (LCS) exists to spur community, courage, and commitment through efforts to feed, house, educate, and empower individuals, families, and communities. Read more...
VerifiedGirls on the Run is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams. Read more...
VerifiedMatching community members with international students, for 1 semester (3-4 months) to represent our community and help students learn more about our community and country, and share/exchange cultures. The students remain living on campus/in their apts. No financial, living, or legal responsibility on community friend/host. Read more...